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Town History
Roorkee is a small township in India with a rich history. It owes its development to the construction of the Ganga Canal in the 19th century. The town is also home to the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the Roorkee Cantonment, one of the oldest cantonments in the country. It has witnessed significant events in India's freedom movement.

How to Visit Roorkee
Car, Bus, and Train are the three best ways to reach Roorkee; Roorkee has its railway station, which is well-connected to major cities in India via the Indian Railways network.

The National Institute of Hydrology (NIH)
The institute was established in 1988 by the government of India's Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation.

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About the Town
The famous Ganga Canal which was constructed more than 150 years ago can well be said to be the identity of the place. And a very important one too, after all it was from here that Roorkee started its march towards glory and prosperity.

IIT Roorkee
The Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, formerly the University of Roorkee, is a public university located in Roorkee; established in 1847, it was given university status in 1949 and, in 2001, was converted into an IIT.

This page was generated at Feb 13, 2025